when you walk away i count the steps that you take
i love that lyrics. (: it's one of my latest addictions luh. i know the song is damn old and stuff. i guess.. it takes me a bit longer than the rest to appreciate music like those. hahah. but who cares, the song rocks! (:
another addiction? 最长的电影 by jay. i just watched the MV. it's so touching. (:
i think jay is uber (x235720574535) talented. although he sucks at memorising his lyrics.. but who cares! he's just uber talented. it's like, i don't believe someone like that actually exists. he rocks please. (:
so yesterday was otc refresh. first and foremost, congrats to gideon, claudine, kah yuen, elle and minmin on becoming the HGL of your respective empires! all the best and make the upcoming FO the best ever! :D
otc was not bad. (: my group was named: short stuff. simply because we had the two shortest main comms as our FAs. hahahah. damn cute please.
went for dinner with mark and jason after that. chatted a while. (:
met eden to go for cheewan's birthday party after that. because i wasn't sure of the way. -.- and in the end, i brought eden to the wrong place. ahhh, sorry lah!
we played blackjack! and a lot of other stupid stuff. -.- lol. had fun i guess. (: only junhui, keith and me stayed over. had breakfast with cheewan and her boyfriend just now. (:
hey cheewan. thanks for the accomodation and stuff. really appreciate it! and you're a super super good host! really one in a million please. (: thank you for inviting us over. i'm sure everyone really appreciates it. (: happy 21! (: =P
and to trish. happy birthday! (: hope you enjoy yourself today. (:
maybe i can never fully understand why you're so upset. but i guess i'll feel somewhat the same if i were you. but it's all part and parcel of life, and we know it. heh. keep smiling! (: and all the best for your napfa! (: you can do it de! :D
i don't know if you'll ever read this. but congrats on your napfa results! heard you did really well. happy for you. (: and sorry, but sometimes i just don't know what i should say to you. so, i just avoid. but i hope you understand. it's not anything, i just feel weird. hahah. yup. take care. (:
okay. now i got to go bathe then go out and study. woots! DHL, here i come! :D
Saturday, February 16, 2008 1:35 AM
today is the last official day of school. i ought to be happy, but i'm not exactly happy. i miss my class. i can't believe one year is over just like that. it sucks how everything just started and has to end? i'd never imagined myself to be in a class like this, but.. i'm blessed. (:
dear 1b06, being in this class with you all has gave me a brand new experience. one that i will never forget. i hope i had left a footprint in your heart, just like how each and every one of you has left one in my heart. (: please continue to keep in contact. i will definitely miss seeing all your faces each time i enter a class. <3
i've never thought that i would be so upset to switch class.
anyway, valentine's was with my classmates! (: we had a bbq session @ pasir ris park! and then junhui, eden, hongxiang and me went to wenjie's place to stayover! nothing much exactly happened, but it was a meaningful valentine's to me. (:
thanks wenjie for your accommodation luh. (: p.s wenjun! :D
headed to school together! went for marketing lecture. was quite .. boring. fell asleep half the time. too tired. accounts lecture, most of us decided to skip. and those who went, most came out in less than 15 minutes. hahah, hilarious please.
junhui, mengyee and me headed to lounge to rest after that. hahah. then went for OB tutorial! hahah, i think it was one of the funniest OB tutorials please. x) stayed around with the class for a while more before going to find maybelle and then leaving school to meet shaun.
p.s i love you! i think the movie was not bad? but towards the end, i was really.. damn tired. my eyes could barely open, seriously. fell asleep for some parts. but i think most importantly, thanks shaun. (: you've been a great company, like always. (:
movie ended at 11plus. believe it or not, i took a bus home. -.- i can't believe myself. taking a bus home when i'm so tired already. x_x but i'm damn broke le please. must control expenditure!
now, shoutouts to people. not specifying who, so i hope it goes out to the right person. (:
everything will turn out fine in the end. (: sorry i sounded so distracted, super bad of me. but i hope you understood why. but like you know, i'm always here to listen. (: i'm glad i'm of such importance in your life. know that, in my life, you are just as important. i'm glad we share something so real. it's what i call, true friendships. (:
i can't believe you didn't respond to everything i said. till now, i still can't believe you did it. but i don't think whether or not i believe matters now. cause the point is, you really don't care anymore. it's sad, but i guess it's good. we both need to move on. and if that's the way you've chosen to move on, then i hope it's the best for you. maybe cause, sometimes, i just don't understand why things had to turn out like this. whatever it is, be happy alrights? (:
i was shocked, i must say. maybe what you said about complications is right, but i started thinking about it. i just need some time to sort everything out. i hope you get my point? i just thought i should let you know how i felt after hearing it. (:
i might switch to livejournal soon. like, a public+friendsonly livejournal. i don't really like the feeling of not knowing who reads my blog sometimes.
and lastly, junhui is the LOVE! (: thanks for bringing the charger for me today. saved my life! (((:
have a great weekend guys! (:
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:18 PM
good news! i found my book! -beams. :D thanks junhui and keith. (: and sorry shaun. :( and thanks eden. (: you all know why luh. (:
i got back a lot of my results today. happy.. and disappointed.
i got back my socio paper. and, i was really happy. cause i expected some borderline pass or something. i got 34/40; A. ((:
accounts was totally crap. first time i hit a C for any papers. quite disappointed with myself, but i guess i deserved it. overall coursework is.. B. i guess i'll just have to work harder for my final paper. make sure i get my A or at least a B+. a B would just screw my gpa. :(
marketing coursework is B. i just have to make sure i don't drop, or try pulling it up to B+. though i guess that's close to impossible. x_x
okay! *pulls up sock* jiayou lyn! (:
hmm. had a slacking session with eden and hongxiang @ macs. headed for an hour of lan after that!
went to meet mark. shopped and ate. woots! spent loads of money again. i'm damnnn broke please. i've been spending at least $50 everyday since monday. -.-
i didn't manage to get for everyone. sorry. :(
okay. i got a lot a lot of stuff to do, since vday is tomorrow. bleh. but but but! happy valentine's day people! let love fill your whole day! (: love is in the air; it's everywhere! :D
even if you're sad, smile. because it's valentine's day. it's a day of love! let everyone feel the love you have to share! (:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 10:51 PM
words cannots express the amount of appreciation i have towards you two; keith and eden. thanks for being the sweetest souls around. (: it made me smile, really did.
i'm really at a loss for what to say now. except that .. i'm really blessed to have people like them as my friends.
dear grace, thank you for understanding the pain i felt. thanks for not pursuing the matter like how you always would. i didn't mean to do it, but i really felt horrible. but, really. the understanding you gave me today.. <3
it hurts a lot more, because it came from you. i missed you.
1:36 PM
and the world i gave so much to build all fell apart in just one night.
1:30 AM
my blog it may seem. but there are just some stuff that i can never say here. cause there are people, who just never understands. the worst thing is, they start spreading the wrong stuff around.
today started off good! i wasn't late for tutorial! :D happy please! then, we got back our coursework grade. and, i got an A! double happiness! :DD thennnnnn. teacher let us off in less than an hour! triple happiness please! :DDD
after that, a couple of us decided to go macdonalds to enjoy the breakfast meals! headed off to junhui's place after that. hahah. played blackjack. and i won hongxiang a couple of dollars. hahah, he was losing at first luh! but in the end, won back. damn lucky. =P that guy's won 200plus in blackjack before! crazy please! hahahah.
i headed back to school for some second 'interview' and dnd booth duty. then had lecture at 2pm. ob revision lecture. used my laptop to type down everything. hahah. that lecturer was like scanning through slides. so fast. -.-
after thatttt! a couple of us went to mensa to eat! then then. eden and i stayed back to look at keith make some card for some of his friends. wahhhhh, damn nice please! i never thought that keith was that creative please! then i volunteer to be his girlfriend just to get him to make one for me! HAHAH! x)
went to lounge. was discussing some stuff with a group of them. (:
headed for parkway with amanda, ashely, claudine, sean, shaz, keng chuan and hong ling after that! :D went to pastamania to eat! didn't eat much, felt kind of full. after that, we went to shop around!
hahah! sean said my hair is very nice! and he said it in a way which sounded like he really meant it, and therefore, i am damnnnn happy! :DD he's like the first person to say that my hair is nice! hahahah. more common verbs used to describe my hair was like, messy, untidy, look like just wake up, etc. hahahah. so sean, for that, you rock like nobody's business please! :DD
i lost the storybook i bought. x_x i hope it's in bsc room. otherwise, it's gone for good. :(
and now, thanking the people i need to thank. (:
genevieve. damn sweet. thanks for offering me your listening ear. (: and, i was really really shocked when you knew what that meant! it seriously seriously shocked me. but, at the same time, it made me smile to myself. so.. thanks so much. (: and, i certainly hope things get better for you. know that i'm always here also. (:
eden. hey, thanks for being there and stuff. you've been a great friend, and a really good listener. i'm glad we became closer luh! it's been such a blessing. (: thanks so much also, for being opening up yourself to share things with me. i appreciate. (:
grace. like always, you were there. and, that was what i really needed. thanks love. it's been a fantastic.. 5 years? knowing you, despite all the ups and downs. and knowing you will easily be one of the best things that has ever happened to me. thanks for always staying by me. (: lovess.
mark. there is nothing i can say to express the gratitude i have towards you. thanks for taking the effort to come all the way down just to hear me rant, when you're already so tired. you don't know how much that meant to me. i was feeling really horrible tonight, and i think, if it wasn't for you, it might have been really tough for me. thank you for being willing to befriend someone like me, and even make this friendship so special. i will treasure this friendship for as long as i live. you've been more than a friend; you've been a great brother. (: thanks for all the advices and your opinions; it really helped me a lot, though it doesn't seem like it. if i had to thank you for every single thing you've done, the list would never end. so i'll just stop here, and pray to God that our friendship would never end. (: best friend please! :D
okay. that was really long. but with this, i'll end off my entry with something i saw, and made up my own.
for a smile increases your face value.
HAHAHAH! but remember, why i am able to smile now is because of every single one of you that made a difference in my life. <3
Sunday, February 10, 2008 4:19 PM
this entry is specially dedicated to meimei. (:
thank you for bringing my present all the way down to my place! thanks for giving it to me even though it's long over! thanks for even getting me a present!
hahah. it's damn cute please. thankssss! :DD
12:58 PM
yesterday was a funnnnnnnnnnnnnn day! :D i don't remember laughing so much in a day for a long long time! hahah, thanks to all who made my day so wonderful! =DDD
so it all began with junji and kevin! hahah. sorry jj for being late! but but! thanks for the chocolates please! it rocks lahhh! :D
headed off to queensway! first, went to ikea to eat their meatballs! hahah. okay only lah. =P slacked, chatted. went to anchorpoint! i like the shops there please! quite nice! :D bought a jacket, vday's gifts and a book! then went to queenstown! bought my fbt shorts! :DD
that jj! omg, so fickled. made us walk here and there in search of a new pair of shoes! walaooo! hahahah. but it's okay! i still love you! x)
then then! we headed to town! settle to eat at hongkong cafe! thanks all for compromising to whiny me! :D
then then. i went to meet the SU peeps! claudine, ashely, sean, emilla, matthew, angela, ivan and eugene. they rented a room at the level 9 of cine to watch a movie! first was, the messengers then the unseeables. lol. in the end, emilla and me were so scared to go home. and i really was damnnnn scared please! butbut! thanks to sean luh. i grabbed him throughout the show. :D ALTHOUGH he was damn mean. -.- keep pulling my hands away so i wouldn't cover my face. WALAO! scared right! hahahah. but still! he was great company! :D
but! the hero of the day award goes to MARK! like, omg totally. he saved my day. he said don't feel like going home yet. ask whether wanna stay out to chat. HAHAH. so in the end, we cabbed home together with em. then both of us went to mac. chat chat. then went to playground, chat chat. then i fell asleep. lol! but he was damn nice. for one hour plus, never wake me up. -.- super patient please! then he sent me home. sleptttt! :DD
decided to stay at home today. too tired, and feeling kinda sick. :(
but yay! tomorrow is monday! :D i kind of miss my classmates. (: one more week of school, one week of study break, one week of examinations then it's HOLIDAYS!
jiayous everyone! :DD
Saturday, February 09, 2008 1:34 AM
home sweet home! ((: finally back at my own home; it always feels so good to be home after a long day, let alone two.
before i forget.. grace, thanks for bringing the shirt today. sorry for allll the trouble. :( but thanks yeah? (: *hugs.
first day of chinese new year was horrible. it was so boring that i felt like a prisoner at certain point in time, especially because of the place that i was sitting at. -.-
second day is so much better! :D ended off the day with a pub session with my uncles, aunties and cousins! how cool is that! :D my cousins kept asking me to drink though! is drinking really that nice?
ehhhh. my mind's drifting off already. probably too tired. shall go to bed, but before that..
you'll never get to read this, cause i don't even remember how you look like and you probably don't even know my existance. but you know what? screw you for treating her like that. screw you. she deserves none of this treatment, and i cannot convince myself of any reasons that you might have to treat her this way. nothing you say will ever, ever justify what you did. i only hope now you're at least a little remorseful, but even so, i don't think anything you do would ever make her feel better. you've hurt her so much.
it's when i hear stuff like that, i can't help but call guys jerks.
that aside. have a great weekend people! (:
if only someone could show me what true love really is. what happened to happily ever after?
all my life, i've been searching for you
and i wonder if you've found me too